Monday, April 18, 2011

Drawing naked ladies does help.

 First drawing of the school year.
 Drawing naked ladies does help.

 Had some fun with heads and composition.
 I love soy sauce drips. Fun to draw on and even more to paint with.
 Eyes eyes and more eyes.
 "Nobody does abstract like Beklee"-Luke
 Like I said, I like soy sauce.
 I one day want to see this blown up and put on the side of a building.
 All Zombie Chicks should be hot. Would get a bunch of horny guy brains.
 Got a little bit of a better understanding of how to do noses.
 Pen was dying, but came out Awesome.
 Working with some watercolor and pen.

Inspired by Art Sherwyn.

current work

 Current fuck up...
 I just kind of like working on the front of my sketchbook and this is one of best things on it.
 This was a sketch I did over winter break. It totally is my girlfriends mom. I did the whole thing while she was walking around the house and everyone was trying to get her sit still, but they just kept her walking from person to person. It was kind of funny.
 I did this like 2 nights later because I had a headake.
 Chinese Leopard...just like it.
 Started with working on heads, and turned into animals and throwing stars.
 Set up for a picture that I was going to do. Never ended up getting it done, but might still end up happening.

 Only watercolor that worked all day. And it really isn't that great.
 This was like 2 days ago...
 Worked more angular, kind of bailed early...
 Had some fun with some lighting and pens. Just had some fun.
Just Fucking Around...

Friday, April 15, 2011


 one of my favorite places to hit up. this was done over a 3 hour period out by LAX and still is there.
love it to this day, but at least now shes not alone.
 wide view at like 3 in the morning...

 just some sketchbook stuff that i did in like a week. made me love paint pens. carry them with me now. totally worth it.
 after this, i came up with my own language and wrote a whole poster board of hard to read. can still see some letters in this.
 more of a traditional drawing for me.
 except for when its not...
 i did this one while camping and there was a kind outside who was playing with a fake gun and said that. i thought it was the greatest shit ever.

most recent graffiti adventure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

beginning photos

I wish I had known to stop here....

current work in progress

Now you can really get an idea of how much David Choe has inspired me in my larger works.
This is a full scale painting (close to a 1 to 1 ratio) that I have been working on in my own time for about half a year now. It uses everything from sharpie to fire. Currently it is put aside so i may work on an upcoming show that I will be in with pieces similar to this, but more organized. I will soon have images of that up. because I've been working on it for so long now, it isn't so much about the outcome of the piece, but instead the work that went into it and how it has changed.


David Choe
This is a man that one day, I would love to have the pleasure to meet. It's not only because he is just a bad ass that is a god among men, but it's because he is the kind of man I strive to be one day. There is an honer that he upholds in the ways he works and respects his profession rather then becoming a sell out like so many good punk bands have (even though he is a painter). His graffiti can be seen around the world an has inspired me to really go for what I believe in. There are very few people I would ever say I have been obsessed with (not in a creepy way) but in an inspirational way. For more on what he does look up, it's totally worth it. And there is always youtube and google images.